Am I the first, since the creation of the Blog-o-Sphere, to read Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy?
To wit: If God be infinitely and only good, why should he alter or destroy the world? if he confound that which is good, how shall himself continue good? If he pull it down because evil, how shall he be free from the evil that made it evil? &c., with many such absurd and brain-sick questions, intricacies, froth of human wit, and excrements of curiosity, &c., which, as our Saviour told his inquisitive disciples, are not fit for them to know. But hoo! I am now gone quite out of sight, I am almost giddy with roving about:
Though there might be no hike today, as there is a lake effect snow band over us, and though it should dissipate shortly, the animals I track won't come out for a bit. Time for excrements of curiosity, but what?
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